happy people
Learn more about everyone who writes blog posts for us here at Happy. Here you can find a photo and short bio of each author, as well as a link to view all of their previous blogs.
Get in touch

Henry Stewart, Founder and Chief Happiness Officer
Henry is founder and Chief Happiness Officer of Happy Ltd, originally set up as Happy Computers in 1987. Inspired by Ricardo Semler’s book Maverick, he has built a company which has won multiple awards for some of the best customer service in the country and being one of the UK’s best places to work.
Henry was listed in the Guru Radar of the Thinkers 50 list of the most influential management thinkers in the world. "He is one of the thinkers who we believe will shape the future of business," explained list compiler Stuart Crainer.
His first book, Relax, was published in 2009. His second book, the Happy Manifesto, was published in 2013 and was short-listed for Business Book of the Year.
You can find Henry on LinkedIn and follow @happyhenry on Twitter.

Claire Lickman
Claire is Head of Marketing at Happy. She has worked at Happy since 2016, and is responsible for Happy's marketing strategy, website, social media and more. Claire first heard about Happy in 2012 when she attended a mix of IT and personal development courses. These courses were life-changing and she has been a fan of Happy ever since. She has a personal blog at lecari.co.uk.

Cathy Busani
Cathy has been with Happy since March 1995 and shortly after took over the role of Group Managing Director, and is responsible for maintaining Happy's award-winning and celebrated culture. As head of Happy's Leadership and Personal Development, she is Lead Facilitator, executive coach, speaker and consultant with the aim of embedding positive behavioural change. Her leadership purpose is to help others to be great at work. She is an inspiration to her staff and clients. Cathy has received recognition through several national awards, including a Special Commendation for Innovative Management in the Best Boss Competition and Finalist for Director of the Year in the 2018 London Venus Awards.

Paul Gapper
Paul is a Masters qualified trainer with experience in interpersonal skills, work skills and management training. He has worked in the public, private and voluntary sectors for over fifteen years. Paul has a Distinction in the Institute of Personnel Development Training Certificate and the teacher-training certificate for Mindfulness-Based Approaches from the Oxford Mindfulness Centre. In 2017, Paul was a Finalist for the Learning Professional of the Year at the 2017 Learning Awards.

Billy Burgess
Billy has been writing blogs for Happy since 2017, covering mindfulness, stress management, confidence building and emotional intelligence as well as offering handy tips for Office 365 users. He's also an established arts, culture and lifestyle writer.

Ben Rogers
Ben Rogers is a Project Manager and IT expert, who was a permanent member of staff at for Happy for 5 years. He now works freelance as a project manager and writer. He is a big fan of Excel spreadsheets, especially Pivot Tables and XLOOKUP.

Serena McCusker
Serena is an experienced IT trainer with a background as a business analyst. She has 20+ years’ experience of managing training projects, writing training materials and delivering customised workshops. A Microsoft certified and TPMA qualified trainer, Serena provides training to an advanced level for both private and public sector clients, specialising in data analysis. She has a relaxed, approachable style and makes even the most advanced topics easy to follow.

Sophie Bryan
Sophie is a multi-passionate, radical & soulful Workplace Culture and Human Experience Specialist, Sex/Life Coach, TEDx Speaker, Author, and Podcaster.
You can find Sophie at Ordinarily Different, where she helps workplaces shift culture so their people feel alive in their work.
Or at Sex and Soul, where she talks candidly about sex and help others to talk more bravely about sex, and step into their true sexual selves.
You can connect with Sophie on LinkedIn here.

Ed Lepre
Ed is a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) and has worked at Happy for over 12 years. Although he trains the full suite of MS Office and non-Office packages at all levels, his favourite package is Excel. A previous winner of the prestigious Learning and Performance Institute's 'Learning Professional of the Year' award, as well as other training accolades, he is also the IT Helpline Manager.

Joseph Grech
Joseph is a freelance facilitator and ICF accredited coach with extensive experience supporting individuals and organisations in the UK and internationally. He firmly believes in the potential of people and this shines through his approach, as he is able to very quickly build relationships whilst supporting and challenging individuals in an engaging manner to help them grow. Joseph is a Fellow of the CIPD and has previously worked as the Head of L&D for a global HR consultancy providing management development programs to a range of industries globally. He also worked as a L&D Manager for a FTSE100 organisation and as a Training Manager for an immigration consultancy, responsible for setting up and developing the firm's L&D department.

Darren Andrews
Darren is one of Happy's Senior Trainers, able to train almost every IT course on our course programme. He worked for Happy for 12 years and has been an Associate Trainer since 2018.

Sal Agoro
Sal trains most MS Office packages. Her real love is in transferring knowledge by making her training sessions fun and more impactful. She is Happy’s Outlook Champion and ensures Outlook courses and training material are updated regularly with new features. Sal has been at Happy for over three years.

Jonny Reynolds
Jonny worked at Happy for over 11 years, starting as Operations Manager and working his way up to Business Stream Manager.

Dr Carrie Goucher
Dr Carrie Goucher has redesigned how we meet for the collaborative era, crafting meetings that are honest, focused, supportive and energising. Her PhD unlocked the real influences on meeting success and how we can go from meeting burnout to fewer, faster meetings that unlock progress. She has worked with over 70 organisations on developing a collaborative culture, including Mondelez, BP, Ricoh, BBC Worldwide, Pizza Express, Pfizer and MBNL.

Ian Balboa
Ian was an IT trainer with Happy from 2007 to 2018, first as a member of staff and then as an associate. He delivered IT training in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook) as well as VBA, SQL, HTML and Photoshop.

Nicky Stone
Nicky has been a senior facilitator for over 16 years. Her leadership purpose is to support people to reach their full potential, and this has driven her internally as part of Happy’s senior leadership team. It has enabled her, through her work every day with clients, to facilitate senior leadership programmes and personal development events. Nicky also has a proven track record at leading on large projects and inspiring others as a speaker at conferences.

Adrian Trenholm
Adrian began at Happy as Café Manager in 2011, and later became Marketing Manager in 2015 until 2016.

Rachael Worrall
Rachael is the IT Product Development Manager, as well as being our Lead IT Trainer. She is responsible for making sure all our courses are of the highest quality. She has worked at Happy for over 15 years. Rachael was awarded Bronze in the Learning and Performance Institute's IT Trainer of the Year Award in 2007.

Elinor Jansen
Elinor Jansen is studying for an MSc in Management at Imperial College. She is spending this month at Happy and will write a series of posts through August 2015.

Judy Rees
Judy is an author, consultant, trainer and coach based in London, but mostly working over the internet. She helps people who work apart to work together, better, by improving their relationship-building communications. She is the co-author of a bestselling book about Clean Language, which is a precision inquiry toolkit that improves clarity in complex contexts.