Abel & Cole – Getting the Right People in the Job
The Managing Director for Abel & Cole details how she shifted her recruitment system from scouting for experience into scouting for attitude and the effects it had on her company.
Here you can find all of Happy’s blog posts, covering our Excel hints and tips, ideas for creating happy workplaces, and ways to be more productive at work — and more.
The Managing Director for Abel & Cole details how she shifted her recruitment system from scouting for experience into scouting for attitude and the effects it had on her company.
The biggest impact most companies have on society is through the products they sell, the people they employ and the suppliers they buy from. And, of course, the effect on the environment of producing their products. If you are really committed to having a positive effect on society, that is where to start.
When it comes to mistakes being made, there is more than one way to look at the situation.
One thing I find interesting about the concept of open salaries is that, at first, people normally assume the concept is impossible, but when they consider it, they find it makes sense.
Have you ever seen an Excel spreadsheet with a dropdown list in it and wondered how it was done? This is data validation. Data validation improves the data in your spreadsheets. It makes reporting much easier as there is no risk of typos and no risk of an entry not fitting into your criteria. In this blog we will take data validation a step further and look at how to make one drop-down list change its values depending on the choice made in a previous drop-down.
In 2009, Fortune magazine asked Tiger Woods, among others, for the ‘best advice I ever got’.
Nando’s is a popular restaurant chain in the UK, specialising in spicy chicken. Some years ago they undertook research to find out what were the key factors that explained why sales at some of their restaurants grew faster than at others.
Removing traditional managerial delegation structures can streamline communication and workflow.
How do you record a macro that will copy data from a set area on your spread sheet and then paste it into the first available empty row, in an ever increasing list?
Sometimes you may want to add text in Excel that’s spread over multiple lines. Find out how to do this, or how to remove these, in this week’s blog by Happy trainer Ian Balboa.