Happy People – Executive Coaching Testimonial
Are you new to leadership role? Have you have been an executive, leader or manager for a long time?
Here you can find all of Happy’s blog posts, covering our Excel hints and tips, ideas for creating happy workplaces, and ways to be more productive at work — and more.
Are you new to leadership role? Have you have been an executive, leader or manager for a long time?
I’ve written about it before. This is the simple suggestion that you should let people choose their managers. And the great thing is that when people do have the courage to try it, I almost always get positive feedback.
Sitting in the reception of Central & Cecil Housing Association, one of our clients, I flicked through the information leaflets. Alongside the pamphlet on how to make a complaint was a more unusual one – a Compliments Guide. Yes, Central & Cecil had taken the trouble to create a guide to how let their people know when they’d done well.
I recently had the great pleasure of facilitating an event for a charity. The team I was working with had just gone through a restructure. On the day there were a couple of things that really struck me…
Happy is today named as one of the most democratic workplaces in the world, in a unique list of companies seeking to run organisations with more freedom and empowerment of their people. Here is the piece I have written for Huffington Post on the subject.
Happy People works with organisations and teams to make them more effective through truly valuing and getting the most from their people…
At Happy we have been developing e-learning for over 12 years. More recently we have got excited about Live Online Learning, where you learn from your desk but with a real live trainer in a virtual classroom. But some of the most effective learning we deliver still takes place in the classroom.
Fantastic to see our book The Happy Manifesto, written by our CEO Henry Stewart, on the front cover of The Evening Standard.
George Osborne was today reported as stating that government procurement from SMEs (small or medium sized enterprises) will rise five-fold. It is a great aspiration. It would result in big cost savings and better service if government was prepared to look beyond the likes of G4S, Capita and Serco. But the chances of this government actually delivering on this promise? Absolute zero.
Today, Wednesday 20th March, is the first UN International Day of Happiness. Take the pledge to bring more happiness to others at the World Happiness Day web-site, add your Happy Heroes and see what events you can attend on the day.