Delivering Transformational Training Under Pressure
Friday was such a joy for me. It was the final day of our TPMA Train the Trainer course which culminates in an assessment to be accredited by the Learning and Performance Institute.
Here you can find all of Happy’s blog posts, covering our Excel hints and tips, ideas for creating happy workplaces, and ways to be more productive at work — and more.
Friday was such a joy for me. It was the final day of our TPMA Train the Trainer course which culminates in an assessment to be accredited by the Learning and Performance Institute.
The June 2013 issue of Management Today includes an important paragraph, in a debate about "The Changing Face of the Leader"
Auto filter is a wonderful thing isn’t it? With a few clicks of the mouse little dropdowns appear letting you filter your data in a myriad different ways.
“49% of the UK working population would take a pay cut to have a different manager.”
Catch Henry on Radio 4's Four Thought talking about why people should choose their managers.
I was recently facilitating day two of a Leadership and Management programme for a group of managers and one of the things that struck me was how much they had learnt and remembered from day one! What was also impressive was just how much they had actioned back in the workplace before coming back for day two.
You’d think that there would be an AGE function that worked out how many years since the anniversary by passing in a date. However, life is not that easy. Our trainer Ian Balboa explains step-by-step how to calculate how many years since an anniversary – both the easy way and the hard way.
Publishing the Happy Manifesto has led to a lot of organisations contacting Happy. Some call us in to help them improve their workplace and we love doing this. But there is an even bigger thrill when I get a letter from somebody we’ve not been involved with, who has taken the Manifesto and put the ideas into practice. So I’m delighted to copy the blog below, originally published on the Spiral Health site, about the work they are doing at an NHS site in Lancashire.
Around 80 people came together at Google’s Victoria HQ on 24th April 2013 to share ideas and learn how to create happy workplaces. Watch video footage here.
At Happy we talk a lot about how great Pivot Tables are — and Slicers make your Pivot Tables and reports even better. With Slicers, you can have one Pivot Table that switches between different categories through the click of a button. In this week's blog, Ian gives step-by-step instructions with how you can create your very first Slicer.