Henry Stewart Helps Launch Action for Happiness
The origins of Happy date back to 1987, when founder Henry Stewart first registered the company and started providing training to friends and contacts.
Here you can find all of Happy’s blog posts, covering our Excel hints and tips, ideas for creating happy workplaces, and ways to be more productive at work — and more.
The origins of Happy date back to 1987, when founder Henry Stewart first registered the company and started providing training to friends and contacts.
Almost thirty years ago I stood for election for President of the Student Union and came top. But the election was run under AV, the Conservative votes switched to the Independent candidate and I never got the sabbatical post.
It’s funny when I find myself quoted and it’s a better summary than I’d do myself.
I was delighted to be involved in the launch of Action for Happiness last week, giving a short speech on increasing happiness in the workplace.
These are the two ends of customer service. On the one hand you have you have the foxes, eagerly scouring the internet to find any negative mention of their name and responding directly to the customer. And then there are the ostriches, burying their heads in the sand, and somehow managing to ignore negative feedback even when it is submitted on their own feedback forms.
Recently I’ve found myself several times in lively discussions about whether choosing to invest ethically means accepting a lower financial return.
What makes a great training course? We’ve done a lot of research on this, and worked with some great trainers to find the answer.
Don’t tell when you can ask has been the core training principle at Happy since I founded it 20 years ago. Read more about the reasoning behind this principle in this blog by Happy's Chief Happiness Officer, Henry Stewart.
IT Training Awards: Happy Computers is a “shining light”
The origins of Happy date back to 1987, when founder Henry Stewart first registered the company and started providing training to friends and contacts.