Alun Pomfrett: Why It's Important To Make Pre-Approval Work
Giving your staff more autonomy means they don’t require as much oversight, freeing up the time of managers. It allows people to take ownership of their work, feel trusted and confident, and creates more joy at work. Implementing it, however, can be tricky.
Alun Pomfrett, HR Manager at Leicester-based Cocoa Amore and graduate of Happy’s Level 7 Senior Leadership Apprenticeship Programme has developed a very simple way to make autonomy work for your staff, as he explains at the 2023 Happy Workplaces Conference.
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Alun Pomfrett talking at Happy Workplaces 2023
Something that we could use as part of our inductions that we'd have in our venues. Something that was very clear, our intent and culture to share with our teams and with our customers as well. Let everyone know where we want to be going as a business. Although we've got our vision, our intent and our shared values, clear, clearly communicated there in our key themes.
If I can draw your eye to the bottom left hand corner. The, "Is It Us?", and this is the first step of how we work out our pre-approval and we realised that, although we could create probably a phone book of items that were pre-approved or not pre-approved, it'd be much more effective to process for people to work through.
So, a process and a framework, and if they were able to utilise those, they'd have a framework for autonomy. So, the idea is that if they work through each of this, "Is It Us?" Steps, then using our intent, our values and our themes, they would know if they were authorized or not by virtue of the process.
And then we took that one step further and we created our Make It Right program. So, this is accepting things in business. Don't always go as planned. Either our interactions with customers or possibly internally. Sometimes we have a conversation that doesn't quite land the way we'd like to. So, acknowledging things that don't always go right and creating a step by step process that allows people to fix that and be empowered to do whatever it takes for them to feel good again and for whoever they had the interaction that didn't go so well to make that right. So hopefully in this cheat sheet, we're creating a framework, a shared intent, communicating clearly our values and giving people a framework for autonomy to work through so they can be successful and implement those ideas.
So, moving on from that, Henry, if you could share the next slide for me. Although we're ostensibly a retail business, we very much see ourselves as a hospitality business. We were looking at a way to take these ideas of hierarchy that were instilled in us and probably instilled in most people and dispose of them, but without losing point or what we considered the point.
So, we broke it down into having a role, so what do you do? What's your purpose? And then also a single point of accountability, so another way of looking at this is your focus. So, you have a role, and you have a focus. So, we like the idea of having a dinner table. Someone actually else on the course came up with their team of a brilliant Idea of a coconut tree. So that's Sam, she works for Dogstar brilliant charity and her team and her idea for a coconut tree inspired us to create something relevant. And that's to give everybody a seat at the dining table. So, everybody is welcome. Everyone has a place. There's no hierarchy. Everyone is as equally important to making the business work as everyone else.
Straight from the get-go, whether you're the MD or the kitchen porter, you have a place with us and you have a story that's useful, shareable and vital for the success of our team. So, two very simple concepts that hopefully share visually our ambitions really as a company for the future and our values. Very quickly that’s the two pieces of work that were inspired by the Level 7 framework that we've come up with that we'd like to share with you.
Henry: Excellent. Thank you, Alun. And Alun runs a chocolate company and the prizes that you, there's prizes for the best shirt and prizes for the best happy workplace and you'll get something from Cocoa Amore.
Alun: Awesome.
Henry: And apparently Vicky says the chocolate is amazing. So yeah, okay.
Alun: Thanks for the plug.
Henry: So thank you, Alun. Thank you very much for that.
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Pre-Approval is an essential element of giving your staff autonomy. For people to work effectively they need to know that they don’t need to constantly seek approval for anything they do.
Whether you’re implementing an increased autonomy approach or simply want to give new starters some guidance about what is expected of them, an easily adaptable framework is essential. Cocoa Amore’s approach is a simple 'cheat sheet':
"The, 'Is It Us?', and this is the first step of how we work out our Pre-Approval. We realised that, although we could create probably a phone book of items that were pre-approved or not pre-approved, it'd be much more effective to [create a] process for people to work through.
"So, [we created] a process and a framework, and if they were able to utilise those, they'd have a framework for autonomy. So, the idea is that if they work through each of these 'Is It Us?' Steps, then using our intent, our values and our themes, they would know if they were authorised or not by virtue of the process."
If you would like to learn how to not just be a manager, but a leader, take a look at Happy’s Leadership and Management programmes. We are leading a movement to help people find joy in at least 80% of their work, by creating workplaces based on trust and working to strengths.
Our Level 7 Senior Leaders Apprenticeship Programme is designed for CEOs and senior leaders who want a cultural transformation of their workplace. You must be ready to apply the concepts you learn within your organisation – just like Alun has.
What you will learn in this video
- Some of Alun’s experience of the Level 7 Senior Leaders programme
- His approach to achieving Pre-Approval
- A brief discussion of non-hierarchical management in practice
Related resources
- How TypeFi is Creating a Happy Workplace with the Level 7 Programme — Jason Michell of TypeFi explains his experience of the Level 7 Programme and how it’s revolutionised how he manages his staff.
- Pre-Approval in Practice at TLC: Talk, Listen, Change — Michelle Hill of charity TLC: Talk, Listen, Change, explains how she has used Pre-Approval in practice in this two minute video.
- How You Can Create a Culture of Trust in Your Workplace by Using Pre-Approval — Henry Stewart, Happy’s Chief Happiness Officer, explains how you can create a workplace culture based on trust using Pre-Approval.
- Helen Taylor: Break Free From Bureaucracy with Pre-Approval — Helen Taylor explains how she has implemented a system where her staff are Pre-Approved to spend £100,000 at the London Borough of Hounslow.
Learn the 10 core principles to create a happy and productive workplace in Henry Stewart's book, The Happy Manifesto.
Support your aspiring and current managers to be empowering and confident leaders with happy
Happy offers leadership programmes at Level 3, Level 5 and Level 7, from new managers/supervisor level all the way up to senior leadership teams and CEOs. These programmes are based on the ideas of trusting your people. They are practical and based on applying what yo've learnt. We aim to inspire and ignite change in your organisation, as well as giving you valuable management skills such as business strategy, decision-making, negotiation and project management.
We also offer programmes tailored specifically to people from Global Majority backgrounds. The content is the same, but have been designed to give new and experienced managers the skills they need to navigate organisational culture with a clearer perspective on their own potential, as well as building their confidence and expanding their professional strengths.
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Ben Rogers
Ben Rogers is a Project Manager and IT expert, who was a permanent member of staff at for Happy for 5 years. He now works freelance as a project manager and writer. He is a big fan of Excel spreadsheets, especially Pivot Tables and XLOOKUP.