Daniel Dzikowski: Why You Should Learn With Happy

In: BlogDate: Aug 06, 2024By: Ben Rogers

Daniel is a champion of Happy’s leadership and management programmes, as he explained during this talk at the 2024 Happy Workplaces Conference.

Daniel learned of Happy two decades ago, when he had set out to start his own business and wanted to undertake some learning to ensure that he would have the skills and knowledge to make it a success.

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Daniel speaking at HW24

Maureen: Alright so we have another speaker, and his name is Daniel. Daniel is a leadership and wellbeing specialist, and he’s been on our flagship Happy 4 Day Workplace Programme, and he’s going to share his experience with us. Thank you so much Daniel!

Daniel: Do you know, I was sitting over there, and I was thinking to myself, "Why have I got a chair in the middle of the room?” Now it all becomes clear when you're up here. 

So, my name's Daniel and 20 years ago, I wanted to start a business and I knew nothing about running a company, so I did my research and I researched the best run organisations in the world.

At the time there was a list called the "Sunday Times top places to work for in the UK list". And on the top of that list was Happy. Actually, they were in second place, but the year before they were in first.

I contacted Cathy, and I wrote her a letter because back in those days I didn't use email. I wrote her a letter and said, "what makes your place so special? How have you created this amazing organisation?” And she said, “come down, I'm going to show you,” so I did.

And I remember the first impression I got. 

When I walked through the office, a gentleman came up, he literally sprung up from his chair and says, "Hi, how are you doing?" And I'm like, "Oh my God, is he my long lost brother? Do I owe him money?" 

But no, he was just actually genuinely happy to meet me!

At that point he got me introduced to Cathy, and Cathy showed me around and spent the next hour sharing with me how she'd created this organisation. Then she persuaded me to take a leadership course, but to be honest with you, it wasn't her that persuaded me, it was the guy that met me. 

That leadership course and the coaching that I undertook with her formed the foundations of how I would run my business for the next 15 years. That culminated with me selling it three years ago, and through that journey, we implemented certain things that traditional businesses would be scared to do, with open salaries, transparency, freedom. 

I remember once I went to share how open we are on my website and I put a picture of some people meditating because I love my meditation. Some guy one day, he rings me up, he rings up the office, and I answered the phone, and he says, "are you Daniel?" and I said, yes. All he said was, “do you really have a picture of people meditating on your website?” I said, yeah. And he said, "that's so ridiculous" and he put the phone down. And I'm like, okay, I wasn't expecting that phone call. 

But it was the things that we created that made us unique and that the employees loved as well. Implementing or wanting to implement unlimited holidays, and I thought "this is going to be a great idea, let me push it out to the team and see what they think," but all of them voted against it, which actually surprised me. The reasoning was because basically they didn't think any work would get done.

I ended up selling the business, but about six months ago, I went to a different area of my life. I was asked to launch a London networking group for business owners. I thought, let me take a leadership course again. I'm pleased to say that nothing had changed, the fundamental principles of how to create a company are the same now as they were 20 years ago, and that, for me, is a really good thing. A few of the things changed with regards to remote working, but the leadership course that I undertook is just as good.

For me, Happy is one of the best places you can learn this because they not only talk the talk, they walk the walk. You can learn about this, but to actually do it yourself, to actually undertake the journey of creating a great culture in your workplace, that's what's key. And Happy have done that, which is why I returned again, a second time. And now I'm here speaking.

So, thank you very much. If you have any questions, please let me know.

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Daniel explains that he looked at some of the lists of ‘best workplaces’ and got in touch with Happy. He spoke to Cathy Busani, Happy’s Managing Director and head of the Leadership and Management team. Daniel asked Cathy how Happy had managed to achieve such a wonderful workplace and Cathy invited Daniel to come and see for himself.

Daniel goes on to explain that when he came to visit Happy the person on reception was so friendly, warm and welcoming that he instantly knew that he wanted to undertake leadership training with Happy – a workplace where this positive attitude was the standard was something he wanted to emulate in his business. He joined Happy's flagship four-day Happy Leadership Programme, and has recently come back to retake the leadership programme as a refresher.

“A few of the things changed with regards to remote working, but the leadership course that I undertook is just as good, and, for me, Happy is one of the best places you can learn this,” explains Daniel. "They not only talk the talk, they walk the walk.”

Do you want to be a better leader and manager? Check out Happy’s extensive Leadership and Management programmes, or get in touch with our friendly team for a no obligation chat.

What you will learn in this video

  • The benefits of Happy’s leadership and management training
  • Why Daniel chose to work with Happy
  • How Happy leads by example
  • What's different about the programme, 20 years on

Related resources

Learn the 10 core principles to create a happy and productive workplace in Henry Stewart's book, The Happy Manifesto.

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Changing your organisation's principles and values to ones based on trust and empowerment can be a huge culture shift for your people, particularly for larger and more traditional organisations.

Happy's team can support you with our workplace consultancy services. We will help you to maintain the areas of your organisation's culture that are working and support you to achieve real change in areas that aren't.

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About Daniel

Daniel Dzikowski is an emotional wellbeing specialist, coach and wellness speaker. He helps business owners, executives, and organisations make deep-seated changes in their life experiences.

Previously, he was the owner of Purple Lattice Solutions Ltd, an IT consultancy. Daniel's focus was on creating a great culture and looking after his people, including creating a comfortable environment and ensuring transparency throughout the business. This great culture led to speaking engagements and then to developing his coaching business so he could focus on transforming people's lives.

You can learn more about Daniel's coaching offering on his website, Clear the Path.

Next Conference: 2025 Happy Workplaces Conference

Our Happy Workplaces Conference is our biggest event of the year, and we'd love for you to join us on Wednesday 25th June!

Our 2024 event was our first ever hybrid event, and so we hope to run next year's in the same way. We will host up to 50 people face-to-face at Happy's HQ in Aldgate, London, and we can host up to 200 people online via Zoom. However you choose to join, there will be interaction, discussion, space for reflection and opportunities to network with others.

Stay tuned for full details of our speakers for next year's event. As always, our speakers share practical, hands-on ideas that you can implement to create happy and engaged workplaces.

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