Generational Harmony at Work: Building Bridges for a Unified Future

In: BlogDate: Feb 21, 2025By: Nicky Stone

There is much talk about different generations, and at times the narrative seems to imply how incompatible Gen Xers like me are with our younger colleagues. Managing a team with people across the generational divide can bring serious challenges – there are more over 60s in the workplace than ever before and digital natives at the other end whose adult life experience has been totally in the post-COVID world.

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At a time when inclusivity is a priority; I find it interesting that negative stereotypes about some of our youngest colleagues have become so normalised. How often have you heard someone bemoan having to deal with Gen Z, or maybe even done it yourself? Would you be comfortable hearing someone make the same sort of negative sweeping comments about people of colour, or women, for example?  

That is not to suggest that there may not be real frictions in terms of expectations and some behaviours. For example, the things we perceive that the newest members of the workforce are asking for, such as, life balance, flexible working, and meaningful work may seem like entitlement to longer-serving team members. 

However, these things can benefit everyone. Perhaps some of our younger colleagues simply have the confidence and self-respect to ask for what we’ve never dared to expect?  

"A survey of nearly 1,500 U.K. and U.S. office workers found that… Employees with managers who are more than 12 years their senior—the average gap between bosses and workers—are 1.5 times as likely to report low levels of productivity, and nearly three times as likely to report being unsatisfied in their job."

So, perhaps, we all need to adapt. This research suggests that younger workers thrive when managed by someone closer to their own age. So, what can we learn from this? How can we create a truly inclusive working environment that brings out the best in everyone, regardless of their generation or yours, and secure our success well into the future?  

We believe that the time has come to properly talk about this topic in a constructive way. Interested in discussing this further and getting practical ideas to make your workplace truly inclusive for all generations? Join our Positively navigating generational differences in the workplace half day workshop to give you insight, perspective and practical ideas to bring out the best in everyone.

1 Research by London School of Economics and Protiviti 

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Nicky Stone

Nicky has been a senior facilitator for over 16 years. Her leadership purpose is to support people to reach their full potential, and this has driven her internally as part of Happy’s senior leadership team. It has enabled her, through her work every day with clients, to facilitate senior leadership programmes and personal development events. Nicky also has a proven track record at leading on large projects and inspiring others as a speaker at conferences.

More by Nicky

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As always, our next conference will be filled with interaction, discussion and space for reflection.

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