Case Study: Anti-Bullying Alliance
Happy produced a 30 minute online course on cyberbullying which was part of wider programme aimed at reducing the bullying of disabled children and young people and those with SEN (Special Educational Needs) in school.
The aim of the course was to leave teachers and carers better equipped to identify, respond and prevent cyberbullying.
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I have a much better understanding of the key messages for children and young people using the internet and social media sites.Learner feedback after completing the course
The core course content was developed from a report produced by the Anti-Bullying Alliance, based on original research they had conducted with young people.
We worked closely with the senior project manager and subject matter expert to find the information most relevant to the intended audience and to re-write the information so that it was more meaningful to teachers.
The original content was really fascinating but it wasn’t specifically aimed at our audience. We worked our way through the materials shifting the perspective so that it focused perfectly on the concerns of teachers and carers.
We used a rich mix of formal learning techniques and short informal resources, including video interviews, real life scenarios, and step-by-step tools to support learners in taking action.
Excellent interactive tool about bullying and how to diagnose and tackle. Quick and easy to use.Learner feedback after completing the course
The benefits, as measured by the client
To date 2,200 people have completed the eLearning course – of those:
- 89% they were now very confident or fairly confident that they knew how to respond to cyberbullying of disabled children and those with SEN
- 88% said they were now very confident or fairly confident that they knew how to prevent cyberbullying of disabled children and those with SEN
- 91.2% of the people who have completed this course so far have rated it as good or excellent.
About the Anti-Bullying Alliance
The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a coalition of organisations and individuals working together to stop bullying and create safe environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn. The course was funded by the Department for Education.
I have just started the course, what a brilliant idea. A very useful tool for parents and anybody in education/professional sector.Learner feedback on the course
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