2023 Happy Workplaces Conference

Following the success of preceding years, the 2023 conference was held entirely via Zoom with over 150 delegates joining the virtual event.

We were grateful to have talks from insightful and innovative speakers such as Bjarte Bognses of Beyond Budgeting, Arnauld Collery of Stand Up For Passion and Rachel Law of PossAbilities.

Watch clips and read excerpts from the conference

Below are videos of the highlights from the 2023 Happy Workplaces Conference with blogs discussing the ideas and themes in greater detail.  

Bjarte Bogsnes: Why Budgets Might Be Harming Your Finances and Your Employee's Happiness

Bjarte Bogsnes, chairman of Beyond Budgeting,  explains how budgets might be holding back your organisation and how rethinking them could make your staff happy as well as your balance sheet.

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Lisa Gill: Why You Should Embrace Discomfort to Encourage Innovation

Lisa talks about ways you can create more Psychological Safety in your workplace, about removing moose heads and how to avoid becoming a ‘positive stinker’.

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Mister Happiness: Arnaud Collery from Tech X Happiness

Arnaud Collery, also known as "Mister Happiness", explains the currency of personal authenticity. Using examples from his own life and the experiences of those he coaches around the world, he describes how a process of continual self-evaluation and reinvention can bring you to your ‘authentic self’ – a person that is recognised and valued both within and outside of the workplace.

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Key Messages From Alex Soojung-Kim Pang About The Importance of Rest

Alex Soojung-Kim Pang is Global Programs Director at 4 Day Week Global, and a leading voice in reduced hours working. He is the author of three books exploring how companies and individuals can better integrate rest, creativity, and focus into digital-age lives and work.

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Building a Culture of Trust at CoppaFeel!

CEO of CoppaFeel, Natalie Haskell, shares how her enthusiasm for implementing a four-day working week turned to disappointment and how she worked with her team to bring about a solution that worked for everyone.

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The Power of Dreams: Rachel Law from PossAbilities

Rachel Law, Cheif Executive of social enterprise PossAbilities, talks about the power of dreams to create a happy workplace, and motivating and retaining staff in a notoriously difficult sector.

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Alun Pomfrett: Why It's Important To Make Pre-Approval Work

Alun Pomfrett, HR Manager at Leicester-based Cocoa Amore and graduate of Happy’s Level 7 Senior Leadership Apprenticeship Programme, has developed a very simple way to make autonomy work for your staff.

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Helen Taylor: Break Free From Bureaucracy with Pre-Approval

Helen Taylor from the London Borough of Hounslow Council, who is currently enrolled on the Level 7 Senior Leadership Apprenticeship Programme, explains how she has implemented a system where her staff are Pre-Approved to spend £100,000.

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Why Happy is a Great Place to Work: A Talk From Our Team

In this talk from the 2023 Happy Workplaces Conference, Sal, Laura and Rebecca share what makes Happy a great place to work. This includes discussing the four-day week and how it works in practice, as well as how Happy’s staff live the company’s values.

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Next Conference: 2025 Happy Workplaces Conference

Our Happy Workplaces Conference is our biggest event of the year, and we'd love for you to join us on Thursday 12th June!

This year's event will be held in London, venue TBC. We may also offer a hybrid option for people to join us online simultaneously — do let us know if you are interested in joining online and we can add you to the waiting list.

As always, our next conference will be filled with interaction, discussion and space for reflection.

Find out more

The Happy Conference Methodology

How do we make our conferences great, interactive experiences — where you don’t have to make an effort to meet people and you also get the chance to talk about what you hear?

Here's what you can expect from a Happy conference