Leadership and Management Training Programmes

Give your leadership team the skills to create a happy, engaged workplace.

Through our programmes, your leaders will gain valuable insights into their own strengths. They will learn how to get the most out of their people to create high-performing teams. They will learn the principles to create a work culture based on trust and autonomy. Simply put, they will learn how to create an organisation that people want to work for whether they are a junior manager or a director.

Below you can find all of our 'off-the-shelf' Leadership programmes. Each one can be tailored to your requirements for private group sessions, and we also offer our most popular as public workshops in the classroom or as Live Online Learning via Zoom.

Happy Leadership Programmes

Essential Leadership Skills

Coaching Workshops for Leaders

Leadership Conferences

Long-Term Leadership Development Programmes and Qualifications

The Happy Leadership Programme

  • Based on the core principles of The Happy Manifesto — Learn how to create a culture of empowerment and freedom.
  • Gain personal insights — Find out what your strengths and your individual communication styles are. Plus, receive anonymous feedback from your team about your leadership style.
  • Learn with your peers — Programmes available for direct-line management, senior leaders and CEOs.
  • Embed your learning with our online portal — Gain access to homework, videos and information between each session.
  • Receive the exclusive Happy Planner and Learning Journal — Track your progress, celebrate achievements and reflect on your leadership goals.
  • Receive support after your programme — we offer 1-to-1 Executive Coaching as well as Psychometric Testing and Hogan Assessments to support your personal development.
  • Not ready to book one of our longer programmes? Road test Happy with our free 90-minute taster.

If you are a CEO, get in touch to find out how we can help you to develop your leadership skills.

What are Happy's online events like?

In this short video, take a look at some of the ways that we create interactive, engaging experiences online using Zoom.

Our philosophy

"People work best when they feel good about themselves"

Our founder Henry Stewart published The Happy Manifesto back in 2013, and it outlines the 10 core principles that we believe create a happy workplace. It is the foundation of Happy's award-winning culture.

Since publication, The Happy Manifesto has helped thousands of leaders create happy workplaces based on trust and empowerment.

Henry has also published Creating Joy at Work: 501+ ideas for a happy workplace, which is filled with practical ways that people have implemented these principles.

We offer all of Henry's books as free downloads.

Learn more