Pre-Approval in Practice at TLC: Talk, Listen, Change
Are you making the most of your people’s skills and knowledge? Michelle Hill talks about how the charity TLC: Talk, Listen, Change has used pre-approval in practice in this three-minute video.
Are you making the most of your people’s skills and knowledge? Michelle Hill talks about how the charity TLC: Talk, Listen, Change has used pre-approval in practice in this three-minute video.
In this 20-minute video from the 2017 Happy Workplaces CEO Conference, Michelle talks about leading the charity through a period of growth and transformation. She highlights what she did to bring her staff team along on the journey with her, using the principles from the Happy Manifesto, and what the impact has been on both the people they work with and their bottom line.
In this short video, Tracy Jelfs (formerly Head of Children’s Services at Monmouthshire County Council) explains the importance of communication when transforming the office culture.
In this fifteen-minute video, Sarah Metcalfe of Sure Petcare (formerly SureFlap) talks about how she has used the principles from the Happy Manifesto to give fantastic customer service, and has had zero turnover in the last seven years in the Customer Service department.
Happy has won the Feefo Gold Service award, an independent seal of excellence that recognises businesses for delivering exceptional experiences, as rated by real customers.
Louise Beardmore’s focus on creating a happy workplace at United Utilities has increased employee engagement levels by 91% and reduced written customer complaints by 50% in the last year. In this 36-minute video from the 2017 Happy Workplaces Conference, Louise explains some of the things she has put into place, such as Tell Me, that have helped to make this happen.
It is now 6 years since I stopped, as a Founder, making decisions at Happy. And, no, I haven’t passed it onto anybody else. Decisions are made by those responsible or, if across the whole company, by everybody. Read more about the thinking behind his decision in this blog by Happy's Chief Happiness Officer, Henry Stewart.
In If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Happy?, psychological researcher and happiness coach Raj Raghunathan argues that happiness is our natural state. Several aspects of socialisation can lead us astray, but Raghunathan aims to remedy this by identifying the “seven deadly happiness sins” and resolving each of them with a corresponding habit of the highly happy. Here’s the second half of our easy-to-read distillation of the book’s key arguments – check out Part One first if you haven’t read it yet!
Working from home was often perceived by cynical bosses as a way for employees to take an unofficial day off. However, the Covid-19 pandemic saw many workers forced into home working and this displayed to employers and their staff that it was a feasible alternative. Now more workers are seeking flexible working options and bosses are no longer suspicious of remote working. In this blog, written by our Digital Marketing Assistant Dolly Osborne, we give you some tips on how to make working from home work for you.
This 14-month Level 3 apprenticeship programme has been developed as a first building block to achieving greater diversity in leadership at entry level. It creates learning and development opportunities for aspiring leaders from Global Majority backgrounds to gain practical foundations for starting their management journey, while also offering a safe and welcoming space to discuss and overcome the challenges they may face.
This 20-month Level 5 apprenticeship programme has been developed as a building block to achieving greater diversity in leadership at senior level. The programme aims to build a more diverse senior leadership pipeline by supporting current managers and aspiring middle managers from Global Majority backgrounds to become modern, empowering, confident leaders.
Speaking at the 2017 Happy Workplaces conference, Nita Clarke OBE and David MacLeod OBE look at the increasing demands employees have of their workplaces and the four enablers of employee engagement.
How do you resolve conflict between colleagues at work? In this two- and a half-minute video, Rosie Brown talks about how COOK has implemented a model for relationships at work, and how this has helped teams to work together better.
Speaking at the 2017 Happy Workplaces conference, Foundation SP CEO Simon Grosse explains that the FSP ethos is to care about people and try to extract each individual’s unrealised potential by prioritising empowerment, autonomy and freedom. Watch the full talk.
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