Giving a Positive Constructive Appraisal
Learn how to confidently facilitate an appraisal meeting that leaves the appraisee feeling positive and empowered with this one-day training course.
Learn how to confidently facilitate an appraisal meeting that leaves the appraisee feeling positive and empowered with this one-day training course.
This comprehensive one-day workshop will enhance your ability to effectively and positively manage your team’s performance in order to develop the skills and strengths of each individual.
A transformational four-day Leadership event over six months for anyone with line management responsibility. In this four-day programme over four months, you will gain personal insights and develop practical leadership and management skills to create a high performing team. You will develop your coaching skills and how to put your people at the heart of what you do.
John Lewis Partnership has been experimenting with how to make people happy for a century. Its founder, John Spedan Lewis, was driven to create a workplace that functioned so that all parts of the ecosystem were in balance and worked to improve the whole. Speaking at the 2018 Happy Workplaces Conference, Sarah Gillard explains how the John Lewis Partnership goes about achieving its ultimate purpose: securing the happiness of all its members.
Management Fundamentals (formerly Managing for the First Time) is about setting you up to succeed as a manager and equipping you with the fundamental skills of management. This workshop is both for those new to management or those who have been managing for some time but have never had any formal management training, and those who would simply like a refresher and an opportunity to learn how management approaches have evolved. You’ll learn about how attitude is so important to management as well as providing practical steps and skills for being a great manager and how you can take action to make it happen.
It’s funny when I find myself quoted and it’s a better summary than I’d do myself.
What would life be like if your employees were so engaged that work didn’t feel like work?
Kensington Youth Services was part of Kensington and Chelsea Council until April 2014. They changed their name to Epic CIC on becoming independent. To break free from the Council and establish themselves as an independent social enterprise, they needed to radically change their organisation's culture. Under the leadership of Brendan O'Keefe, they needed to create an innovative company that would thrive in a competitive market wile still reflecting public sector values. Happy has supported Epic CIC throughout this transformation through leadership programmes and workshops.
The quality of Happy's apprenticeship programmes has recently been recognised as Good within the Ofsted further education and skills inspection. Ofsted reviewed the overall effectiveness of our quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and apprenticeships, giving us the Good mark on each and every category.
Our two-day Train the Trainer Essentials workshop has been designed for anyone brand new to training or with less than six months of experience. It’s also perfect if training is part of your role, and you’d like to learn how to train more effectively. You’ll learn how to facilitate Management and Soft Skills sessions in Happy’s interactive, learner-focused style, consider the learning process, explore training needs and plan a training session. You will also be able to discuss solutions to problems that arise and difficult situations experienced by trainers.
When Brendan O'Keefe and his team formed the independent social enterprise Epic CIC, Brendan challenged his people to create their own performance appraisal at their staff conference. After much discussion and debate, the team created 8 items that are now used in appraisals and recruitment. Find out more in this short clip from Brendan's talk at the 2015 Happy Workplaces Conference.
Brendan O’Keefe at Happy Workplaces 2015
By the end of this intermediate level one-day Word course, you will be able to format your long documents by adding a Table of Contents, and use cross-references and reviewing tools. You will also be able to create Styles to automatically format parts of your document and to customise the layout of pages.
Covering both negotiation and assertiveness, this one-day workshop will empower you to negotiate with colleagues and managers at work. This will enable you to free yourself up to say yes to the projects you really want to work on, and say no to the work that you don’t have time to do – or negotiate as you choose, without putting yourself or the other person down in the process.
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